Bug im Script erkannt.
Mailer-Project ist in Script/Funktion session-functions.php, Zeile 52 mit folgender Meldung abgebrochen: Note: errno=8192(0x2000),errstr=trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated,errfile=session-functions.php,errline=52
Please report this bug at http://bugs.mxchange.org and include this whole message + logfile from inc/cache/debug.log in your report (you can now attach files).
  1. template-functions.php:1322, debug_get_printable_backtrace(0)
  2. error-functions.php:52, reportBug(3)
  3. debug_get_printable_backtrace:1173, __errorHandler(4)
  4. session-functions.php:52, trim(1)
  5. referral-functions.php:894, setSession(2)
  6. filters.php:1318, determineReferralId(0)
  7. filter-functions.php:326, FILTER_INIT_SESSION(1)
  8. load_cache.php:70, runFilterChain(1)
  9. inc-functions.php:140, include(1)
  10. inc-functions.php:148, loadInclude(1)
  11. install-functions.php:130, loadIncludeOnce(1)
  12. general-functions.php:90, doInstallerBootstrap(0)
  13. init.php:66, initApplication(1)
  14. index.php:49, require(1)
Request-URI: /
Thank you for finding bugs.
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